10 min Asana Breakdown Mermaid & One-Legged King Pigeon Pose with Antonina
In this Asana Breakdown, Antonina will show you how to get safely into the advanced yoga postures EKA PADA RAJAKAPOTASANA, the Mermaid & One-Legged King Pigeon Pose. She will break down the asanas with a step by step approach, verbally guiding you through proper physical alignments, starting at the setup and further leading you into the final asanas. By learning to manage these advanced postures, you'll be able to apply the principles of them into your own practice, but also be safe while getting into and staying in the Asanas for a few breaths. You'll explore new ways of working with your body and definitely receive some AHA and WOW moments, noticing what your body is even capable of.
Up Next in Yoga
32min Detox Pranayama with Michael (e...
This is a short practice of Yoga Therapy. We will be focussing on detoxifying the organs. In order to that we are using a lot of twists and different types of pranayama.
26min Yoga Therapy Cleansing with Mic...
In this class with the focus on "cleansing" we're going to empty the lungs out of stale air and squeeze through the abdominals to clear all the toxins out of the organs.
17min My Daily 16 #5 - Yoga Flow with...
In this Daily16 video Verena guides you through an energising and strengthening Yoga flow. The exercises in this class will also challenge your balance and enable you to come into your center.