Mindful Body Lights Off with Hano (11.07.23 - english)
60 minutes holistic workout for the body and mind. With exercises that help tighten the body and define the muscles, it allows you to sweat and become a leaner overall self. This class is about getting to know yourself and offers the opportunity to release and let go of feelings and emotions that...
Yoga Stretching with Antonina (10.07.23 - english)
De-stress with this 60 minutes Yoga Stretching class. Stretch out stiff and tired muscles with this well balanced movement sequence. The exercises provide you with everything you need to get your daily dose of flexibility and mobility.
Body Pulse with Hano (10.07.23 - english)
Get sweaty in this 60 minutes Body Pulse Class, where Hano will guide you to Increase your endurance and grow your strength with a wide range of pulsing moves and motion exercises. Activate entire muscle groups, energise yourself from top to toe, and dive into an exhilarating feeling.
Mindful Body with Laura (07.07.23 - english)
65 minutes of MINDFUL BODY, that combines the positive aspects of yoga such as balance, strength, flexibility with high intensity movements and meditation. With exercises that help tighten the body and define the muscles, it allows you to sweat and become a leaner overall self. This class is abou...
Morning Yoga with Antonina (07.07.23 - english)
The Morning Yoga classes are designed to wake up and energise the entire body. You’ll move through energising vinyasa flows, full-body stretches and invigorating twists . Activating the entire body from head to toe and from the inside out will make you ready for the day ahead! After the class you...
Body Pulse with Hano (06.07.23 - english)
70 minutes of intense and sweaty full body workout.
During this practice, try to focus on yourself and your breath. Within this workout you will work with controlled movements, where you can concentrate on one set of muscles.
Equipment needed: 1 ball, 1 band, two blocks, 1 slider, 2 barbells -
Morning Yoga mit Ulrike (06.07.23 - german)
Starte mit einer 60 Minuten Twisting Flow Yoga Klasse in den Tag. Ulrike leitet dich durch verschiedene Haltungen und Bewegungen um deine Wirbelsäule als auch deine Schultern zu mobilisieren. All das bereitet dich auf einen energiereichen Tag vor.
Morning Yoga with Antonina (04.07.23 - english)
A 65 minutes morning Yoga class, designed to wake you up while at the same time leaving you, feeling relaxed, calm and centered. The goal is to really find a place where you feel nice and at ease. Whenever you feel overwhelmed, take a rest in child's pose or shavasana. Get back whenever it feels ...
Yoga Stretching with Antonina (03.07.23 - english)
The 65 minutes Yoga Stretching class is designed to stretch the muscles. Working on the elongation of the muscles will increases the blood flow and circulation in certain body parts, which positively affects your brain and boosts the mood as well. Getting into nice stretching poses will ease any ...
Body Shape mit Conny (03.07.23 - german)
START AT: [03:03]
Diese 65 Minuten Body Shape Klasse ist ein Full Body Workout für alle Levels. In dieser Praxis stabilisierst du deinen Körper und baust Muskelstärke auf. Du verwendest dabei rein dein Körpergewicht und deine Disziplin um fitter zu werden. -
Stretching with Veronika (01.07.23 - english)
The Stretching classes are designed to stretch the muscles. Working on the elongation of the muscles will increases the blood flow and circulation in certain body parts, which positively affects your brain and boosts the mood as well. Getting into nice stretching poses will ease any physical tens...
Pilates with Ulrike (01.07.23 - english)
60 minutes Pilates class with Ulrike. You will slowly start the practice with a warm-up to get the joints moving. You will then be guided into the initial full body pilates workout which ends in a gentle stretching to cool down.
Equipment needed: 1 pilates ball and a block -
Pilates Mat with Veronika (01.07.23 - german)
This 60 minutes Pilates Mat class focusses on classic Pilates postures combined with elements of functional training. We work on the mat with mini balls, resistance bands, weights and yoga block as well as with the magic circle. Each class focusses on working out the whole body, strengthening the...
Mindful Body - Find back to yourself with Laura (01.07.23 - english)
65 minutes of Mindful Body practice. This is a full body workout where you can find back to yourself. Take breaks whenever it is needed. Instead of pushing through, listen to your body, mind and heart and go from there.
Mindful Body with Anja K. (30.06.23 - english)
75 minutes of MINDFUL BODY that combines the positive aspects of yoga such as balance, strength, flexibility with high intensity movements and meditation. With exercises that help tighten the body and define the muscles, it allows you to sweat and become a leaner overall self. This class is about...
Mindful Body - Move without judgement with Clara (29.06.23 - english)
This 70 minutes Mindful Body class connects your mind, body and soul. It will support you to allow yourself to listen and feel. The intention for this class is to move with no judgement. This means that you take a break whenever you need, move in a way that feels good, breathe whenever you wanna ...
Morning Yoga - Fokus Hüften mit Ulrike (29.06.23 - german)
Starte aktiviert und mit Energie in den Tag. Diese 60 Minuten Morning Yoga Klasse legt den Fokus auf die Öffnung der Hüften und die Kräftigung der Muskulatur um die Hüften, sodass wir die Muskulatur auflockern und in eine gerade Körperhaltung kommen können.
Body Shape with Conny (28.06.23 - english)
START AT: [03:45]
Body Shape is an optimal full-body workout for intermediate and advanced practitioners. The purpose of this class is to activate and stabilise your body, gain muscular strength, joint mobility and cardiovascular stamina. To get strong, fit and healthy you only need your own body... -
Morning Yoga - For The Hips with Ulrike (28.06.23 - english)
60 minutes of Morning Yoga to wake up and be ready for the day. The focus of this class is on opening the hips and on stretching and strengthening the area around the hips.
Morning Yoga with Antonina (27.06.23 - english)
Start the day right with this 60 minutes Morning Yoga Flow class that leaves you feeling energised, balanced and ready for the day. Stretch out stiff areas and activate your muscles. You will start in a relaxing pose and then move into the flow. If you want, you can use a polster and 2 blocks to ...
Kundalini Yoga with Ksenia (27.06.23 - english)
75 minutes of Kundalini Yoga where Ksenia guides you through a holistic practice that combines meditation, movement, focus and working with your energy. The class includes Breath of Fire to move the energy in your different bodies. Take a break whenever you need it
Mindful Body with Nina (26.06.23 - english)
START AT: [00:47]
85 minutes of Mindful Body. Our signature class is not just a workout, it's a practice for your mind and heart as well. You will be guided through movements and be reminded to become aware of what is going inside of your mind while you practice. You can strengthen your muscles b... -
Morning Yoga - Side Stretches with Ulrike (22.06.23 - english)
60 minutes Morning Yoga to start into the day with the focus on side stretches. This class supports you to lengthen the sides of the body, open up the ribcage, breathe deeper and have a better posture.
Yoga Stretching with Antonina (26.06.23 - english)
60 minutes Yoga Stretching to stretch various muscles in your body. Working on the elongation of the muscles will increases the blood flow and circulation in certain body parts, which positively affects your brain and boosts the mood as well. Getting into nice stretching poses will ease any physi...