Morning Yoga - Activating the Body with Antonina (04.04.23 - english)
START AT: [02:45]
You’ll move through energizing Yoga Asanas: full-body stretches and invigorating twists. Activating the entire body from head to toe and from the inside out will energize your body prepare you for the day ahead! -
Kundalini Yoga - Stand any situation with Ksenia (04.04.23 - english)
START AT: [02:15]
The intention of today's set of Kundalini practices aims to support you to stand any situation. You will explore your triggers, the patterns that you repeat and your defense mechanisms. There will be a lot of activating breathing exercises such as the breath of fire. -
Mindful Body - Clear your mind with Hano (04.04.23 - english)
START AT: [19:08]
75 minutes Mindful Body workout with Hano. This class is an invitation to not only work on your body, your physical strength and endurance but also on your mind to clear it up and free yourself from all the baggage and burdens you might have been carrying. -
Body Pulse - Controlled Movement with Hano (04.04.23 - english)
START AT: [01:02]
60 minutes of intense workout with Hano that focusses on glutes, legs, thighs, hamstrings and more. You will slowly be executing each exercise to specifically warm up and activate the muscles you will work with.
Equipment needed: 1 ball, 1 band, 1 slider, 1 pair of dumbbells, 2 ... -
Mindful Body - Judgement Free Movement with Petra (05.04.23 - english)
START AT: [08:40]
Mindful Body is an activating full body workout without judgment. This means that the most important thing is to listen to what your body needs today and move in a way it feels good for you. There is no right or wrong - just you being yourself. -
Pilates - Mobilisierung mit Veronika (05.04.23 - english)
START AT: [08:09]
Starte in ein 60 Minuten Ganzkörper Pilates Training um deine Rumpfmuskulatur, dein Powerhouse zu stärken und den gesamten Körper zu stabilisieren. Du fokussierst dich dabei auf Abrollbewegungen, die zur Mobilisierung deiner Wirbelsäule dienen. -
Mindful Body with Nina (04.04.23 - english)
START AT: [00:35]
This 75 minutes Mindful Body Class is not your ordinary workout. It definitely will activate your body and strengthen your muscles but it is here to bring you back to yourself and connect you with your heart. Full Body HIIT Training meets Mindfulness and Meditation -
Stretching mit Veronika (05.04.23 - german)
START AT: [06:02]
In dieser 60 Minuten Stretching Klasse bewegst du dich mit Veronika durch spezifische Übungen, die mit bewusstem Atem kombiniert werden. Der Fokus besteht darin, den Blutzufluss in gewissen Körperregionen durch Stretching zu erhöhen, was deine Stimmung und und deine Gehirnaktivi... -
Morning Yoga - Hips Focus with Ulrike (05.04.23 - english)
60 minutes Morning Yoga class to work on the mobility of the hips and strengthening the muscles around that area. The Morning Yoga classes are designed to wake up and energize the entire body.
Mindful Body - Possibility to Connect with Clara (06.04.23 - english)
This is a 75 minutes Mindful Body class with Clara that gives you the possibility to connect. It is an invitation to go inward and concentrate only on yourself. This class will be a physical full body workout but it will also be a workout for the mind and your heart. Use this space to listen to w...
Yoga Therapy - Increase Focus with Michael (06.04.23 - english)
START AT: [00:56]
A 60 minute Yoga Therapy class to release physical stress and tensions, improve your mobility and range of motion and increase your focus and attention. All levels welcome -
Morning Yoga Hips with Ulrike (06.04.23 - english)
A 60 minutes Morning Yoga class to wake up and energize all layers of the body. This class in particular focusses on opening, stretching and strengthening the hips.
Kundalini Yoga - Seeing the Whole with Ksenia (07.04.23 - english)
This 75 minute Kundalini Yoga class starts with a slow part of grounding and breathing to arrive in your practice and in your body. You will then be guided into more active breathing techniques and body movements that aims to work on the different bodies of yours. When your body contracts, it is ...
Mindful Body with Clara (09.04.23 - english)
This class is about getting to know yourself and offers the opportunity to release and let go of feelings and emotions that often cannot be expressed in daily life. By releasing all the negativity, you'll make space for new positive things. So be curious, be open, and allow yourself to feel.
Pilates mit Veronika (09.04.23 - german)
START AT: [04:54]
Diese Klasse kombiniert klassische Pilates Übungen mit Elementen des Funktionaltrainings. Du wirst an deinem gesamten Körper arbeiten und die tiefe Muskulatur stärken.
Du brauchst folgendes Equipment: Pilatesball, Ring -
Stretching und bewusstes Atmen mit Veronika (09.04.23 - german)
START AT: [04:57]
60 Minuten Full Body Stretching und bewusstes Atmen mit Veronika. -
Yoga Stretching for Hips, Hamstrings and Legs with Ulrike (03.04.23 - english)
This is a 60 minutes Yoga Stretching class with Ulrike focussed on hips, hamstrings and the legs. You will be stretching, lengthening and opening up your body. If you have, you can use a block for this practice.
Body Pulse Glutes with Hano (03.04.23 - english)
This class targets your big glute muscles and the side glute muscles. But no worries you're really gonna work your whole body.
Equipment needed: 2 blocks, 1 pair of dumbbells, 1 slider -
Mindful Body - Nourishment on all levels with Petra (03.04.23 - english)
START AT: [08:30]
Mindful Body is a holistic training. It can be your physical workout but it can be so much more. A nourishment for your body, mind, heart and soul. You can expect powerful exercises and moments of stillness and reflection. -
Body Pulse with Hano (12.01.23 - english)
Mindful Body with Mona (14.01.23 - english)
Kundalini Yoga with Ksenia (13.01.23 - english)
Dynamic Flow mit Anna (12.01.23 - german)
Mindful Body with Mona (13.01.23 - english)